Apple Time
An informative and fun session about local apples, apple lore, recipes and, of
course, apple tasting
Please Pass the Salt
The history and uses of the various types of salt
Going Bananas
A look at banana varieties and nutrition
On the Menu
Favorite menu items and the histories of their names; a fun session for
Let's Get Personal
An eye opening session on healthy eating and a in depth look at the My
Pyramid Food Guide for seniors
I Remember When...
A walk down memory lane exploring our food history.
Holiday Traditions - Thanksgiving 1626 and Today
A journey back in time to the first Thanksgiving; we look at how traditions
and influences have sculptured Thanksgiving as we know it today. Revisit
memories of when...
Sessions are 30 -40 minutes in duration and are designed to inform and
entertain seniors.
All sessions can be formatted to meet specific needs.
An informative and fun session about local apples, apple lore, recipes and, of
course, apple tasting
Please Pass the Salt
The history and uses of the various types of salt
Going Bananas
A look at banana varieties and nutrition
On the Menu
Favorite menu items and the histories of their names; a fun session for
Let's Get Personal
An eye opening session on healthy eating and a in depth look at the My
Pyramid Food Guide for seniors
I Remember When...
A walk down memory lane exploring our food history.
Holiday Traditions - Thanksgiving 1626 and Today
A journey back in time to the first Thanksgiving; we look at how traditions
and influences have sculptured Thanksgiving as we know it today. Revisit
memories of when...
Sessions are 30 -40 minutes in duration and are designed to inform and
entertain seniors.
All sessions can be formatted to meet specific needs.